Simple planning of construction machine transports
Simple planning of construction machine transports



Planning construction machinery transports is not an easy task for the dispatcher. Many different factors such as different types of machines (weight, dimensions), qualifications of the driver and the low-loader, construction site deadlines, permits, loading capacities and the locations of the construction machines must be taken into account. Incorrect planning quickly leads to a standstill on the construction site and correspondingly high follow-up costs.


Especially in the machine logistics area, a lot of money can be wasted through incorrect scheduling. There is often a lack of transparency in transport costs. Synergies are not exploited because transport planning is often carried out at short notice. This results in unnecessary transports, detours and poor utilization of low-loaders and machines. Machines are blocked for unnecessarily long periods. This leads to longer machine downtimes and thus to a higher demand for machines.  Too many transports are outsourced to external companies. Construction machinery transport becomes a real money-waster.

In addition, there is often poor organization within the company. The dispatcher is overburdened, driving and working times are not adhered to. The driver is annoyed by poor planning and has to search for the machines on the construction sites. This costs valuable time. The chaos of notes for the dispatcher and driver robs additional time. Possible damage to the construction machines is not documented or reported. I doesn’t have to be this way!


Digital tour planning schedules your construction machine transports in a resource-saving way. geoCapture customers save time, money and nerves every day.

geoCapture's resource planning forms the basis for optimal tour planning. Here you can assign your machines to projects with just a few clicks and define when you need the construction machine on a construction site. Based on this pre-planning, suggestions for your machine transports are generated. The transport orders are then created automatically.

Resource planning ensures that no machine leaves the construction site too early or arrives too late at the new location. In this way, you can utilize your resources more efficiently and minimize the downtimes of your construction machines.


Transport orders are optimally distributed among available low-loaders. Numerous factors are taken into account directly:


  • Optimal routes
  • Optimal sequence
  • Deadlines
  • Loading capacities of the low-loaders
  • Technical characteristics of the low-loaders
  • Permits
  • Passage restrictions
  • GPS locations of construction machines
  • Exact drop-off locations by what3words
  • Special requirements of the construction site
  • Qualification of drivers
  • Driving/rest times
  • Working hours
  • Synergies

The system calculates a precise cost overview for each transport. This means that you have an overview of all costs at all times and can immediately identify uneconomical tours.



With geoCapture‘s tour planning, you can organize your construction machine transports efficiently and in a resource-saving way. Thanks to the foresighted planning, synergies are used and unnecessary transport routes are saved. Precise planning of machine operations minimizes machine downtime. In this way, you make optimum use of your resources and only need the number of machines that are really necessary for your construction sites.

Digital route planning makes the dispatcher's daily work much easier. The system automatically takes into account driving and rest times. The drop-off location of the construction machine can be precisely defined via the global address system what3words. This avoids misunderstandings and annoying searching. Via the geoCapture App, the driver has digital access to all the necessary information on the transport order. Thus, the confusing chaos of notes is history. With geoCapture’s  digital forms, damage to construction machinery can be immediately documented and digitally transmitted.